Friday 15 November 2013

Goodwin's theory

  • Notion of looking; we applied this to ours but using point of view shots. This makes the audience feel more involved with the video and thus more connected to the artist
  • A relationship between the music and visuals; at the beginning we are going to cut the shot at the same time the music beats, this is so everything fits well together
  • Intertextual references; we decide that blondie is an iconic artist that most people know about, including our target audience, and luckily this fits into our secondary audience as the artist/ song is from the 1900's they recognise it from that era 
  • Record label influence; we decided that as our record label is rough trade and most of their artist like War Paint and Palma Violets have close ups in their music video and showing them playing instruments, that we could take this on board and feature it in our music video
  • A relationship between the music and lyrics; we tried to make this one match, for example we have lots of shots of the band singing towards the camera.

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