Friday 10 January 2014

Editing the footage

Today we edited the footage that we filmed yesterday. We had quite a lot of shots to look through which turned out to be a good thing because some were not suitable. We added them to the other footage and now we have one full chorus and other footages as part of the verus'.

However, we changed a bit from our story board as we found that we had not count some of the extra 'suddenly i see' which we then decided to fill with a mid shot of the guitarist signing a back ground part. This looks better than what we had planned as we had planned to have me and megan as the background singers to begin with. We also discovered that although we did film quite a lot of shots of the lead singer miming along to the lyrics that some weren't right so we will have to reshoot them tuesday in order to make the clip look better.

We also found that some of the singing was too slow so we had to increase the speed slightly so it was in time with the music. We feel it fits in better now that the orignal clip.

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